2024 Luminary Dedications
We appreciate the support that the local community provides for the holiday luminaries around Children's Lake. Listed below are the names of those friends and loved ones that this year's luminary sponsors have dedicated their sponsorship donations in memory of or in honor of. The dedicated names lists will also be displayed at the bulletin board kiosk between the old ATC Office parking lot and the Children's Lake Gazebo. (Luminary sponsorships must be received by November 29 to be included on the lists displayed at the kiosk. We will continue to update this online dedication page as donations come in.)
In Memory Of:
Bob Adams
Marie Alba
Francesco Alba
Charlie and Terese Anderson
Mileva Grace Anderson
Faye M. Ankabrandt
Chuck Banks
Susan Banks
James Bariski
Pat Barnes
William F. Barno
Lynden Baxter
Brandon Baughman
Gale Bear
Glenn Beels
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Bellini
Lola Benoit (3 times remembered)
Richard Benoit (twice remembered)
Steve Beshore
Jai Nam Blood
Aunt Susie, Uncle Bobbo
Craig W. Boldosser
John H. Boldosser
Don Boyne
Art and Virginia Bradshaw
Doris M. Bream (twice remembered)
Janet and Mike Broderick
John and Louise Broujos
Bert Brown
Vick Brown
Peter Boyer (twice remembered)
Melissa Adams-Budde
Mary Burns
Samuel and Sharon Butler
Scott Bacon Carbine
Lee and Isabel Castles
Pat Charuhas
Uncle Joe and Aunt Raffaela Ciampa
Gloria Giordano and Raymond Clark
Ann Cocciardi
Anthony Cocciardi
Mike Cochran
Clarence Condran
Joann Condran
Robert Conrad
Ginny and Charles Crabtree
Andreana, Olga and Dennis Cremedas
Cindy Cressler
Della Cressler
William Cressler Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Crisci
Carolyn Dasher
Tom & Lynn Davies
Dr. H. Robert and Lyla Davis
Roy and Hedwig Debski
GG Deitch and GG Trimmer
Donald Delp
Nevin Deppen
Randy L. Diehl
Pamela J. Dinner
Dorothy Falk Dundoff
James and Esther Dwyer
Jim and Nancy Eads
Judy Eley, mother and grandmother
Walter Eley, father and grandfather
John Emrich
Linda Emrich
Don Eppley
Donald and Catherine Eppley
Grandparents of the Eppley Boys
Beloved pets of Jeff and Nicki
Jeffrey Eppley
John Fox Eppley
Woody and Pat Eppley
Margaret Evans
Beverly Everett
Michael R. Falk
Liz and Ronnie Fanus
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Fanus
Ric Faryniak
Bill and Elaine Feuchtenberger
Victor M. Fisher
Ann Martz Flatley
Colonel Tom Flatley
Carolyn V. Flegeal
Helene and Foster Flegeal
Jim and Rosie Fritz
Patti Fry
Donald and Jeanne Gabany
Molly and John Garman
Kitty Gelinas (twice remembered)
John, Shannon, Peter and Evie Gilbert
Gary Glasgow
Anthony Glusko
Bill and Ginny Goodyear
Grammy - Aunt Patsy
Phillip Greene
Donald Gutshall
Ralph Gutshall
Sandy Gutshall
Joe Habecker
Ann Haehnlen
Paul D. Hamilton
Scott H. Hamilton
Walter “Pete” Hanlin
Brendan B. Harris
Kenneth and Elizabeth Hartle
Heber and Lydia Hazlett
William Heeter
Robbie Henry
John and Sharon Hershey
Linda E. Herwig
Dr. Russell P. Herwig
Erwin Hess
Julia and Bryant Hilliard
Mary and Cloyd Hollenshead
Beatrice M. Hooks
James W. Hooks
Robert Lee Hooks
Walter Hooks
Bob and Flo Hoover
Grace, Betty and Helen Hoover
Mary Hull (twice remembered)
Mary Ingle
Linda Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Dawn Jumper
Owen Kelchner
Sharon Kelchner
Pamela Kelly
Edwatd C. Kielkopf
Marie Kilko
Cyndi Kinsey
Paul Kreckel
V.F. and Marie Kreckel
Carol Kuntz
Helen Kutz
Lawrence Lamoretti
Mike and Bertha Lapato
Laura Larsen
Our parents and son Dale (Lay family)
Michael A. Lebo
Helen Lehman
Jim and Lois Loscher
Mr. & Mrs. P. Peter Losi
Linda A. Losi-Black
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lucas
Jeff Lunsford
Gilbert and Dorothy MacIvor
Linda "Sloany" Madden
Heidi Marriot
Andrew Martin
Anthony and Virginia Martini
Leon Martz
Donald (Doc) Maurice
William L. Mayer
Matthew D. McCorkel
John McKain
Linda McNertney
Richard McNertney
Richard and Marney Meyer
Richard J Meyer III
George and Mildred Miller
Charles and Ruth Millhimes
Keira Morton
Moxie Brothers and Nephew
Frank and Mary Moxie
Geraldine (Gerry) Muccio
Johnny Muccio
Ida Murphy
Cindy Murray
Mom and Dad Murray
Wayne R. Murray Jr
Arlene and Justus Myers
Daniel and Anna Myers
Carol Neely
Connie Newell
Molly Nichols O'Loughlin
Helena and Ray Orlando
William V. Otter
Judy Parker
Kenneth (Pete) Penner
Ruth L. Piper
David A. Pittenger
John and Joan Pittenger
Mark Quinn
Diana Rader
Bill Reed
Evelyn Reed
Rocky Rees
Joice Remy
Glenn H. Rider
Edyie Rob (twice remembered)
Richard A. Robinson
Jerry Rode
Erna Rollfinke
Friedrich Rollfinke
Jackie Rollfinke
Lee Rollfinke
Steve Rowe Sr.
Vesta Rynard
Tom Sabatino
Becky Salviano
Susan Schaffstall
M. Cherie Schintz
Christopher Schwarz
Betty Seibert
Fred Seibert
Chester and Beulah Seiders
Arlene Sgrignoli
Arthur Sgrignoli
Dorothy and George Shearer
Charles and Mary Sherk
Kevin Sherk
James W. Shields
Tobias Reed Shields
Katherine Shine
Judith A. Shipman
Raymond A. Shoop Jr.
June K. Shultz
Delanie Simpson
Cecil Sines-Father
Shirley Sines-Mother
Dwight and Rita Smith
Patty Snegon
Freida Spriggs
Trevor Stalnaker
Mike Stiltner
George D. Stout
Sarah Jean Stout
Virginia Such
Mr. and Mrs. Creeden Sunday
Gerald Sweger
Carol Talley
Thomas Totaro
Marlin Troutman
Laverne and Dorothy Tuckey
Louise Verdekal
Elsie Waddell
Ralph Wallis III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wardecker
Freddie Wardecker
Joe Warlow
Kathryn Westermeier
Maxine Wetzel
Ben Whitesell
Nancy and Ed Wilde's
John G. Williams, Esq.
Charlotte K. Williams
Jackie K. Wright
Lyle O. Wright
John Wycha
Paul "Pappap" Wynn
Clifford and Dorothy Yinger
Kathleen M. Zechmeister (Bellini)
Robert W. Zeigler
In Honor Of:
Vickie Abdelnaby
Cameron Beckman
Benoit Family
Jean Bixler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bouldin
Ruth Boyer
Ann-Marie and Megan
Boyne Grandchildren
Ken Bream
Cameron Danesh
Roy and Rayne Debski
Jessica Eads
Addison, Hayden and Easton Ellis
Felicia and Brandon Ellis
Jim Gometz
Joseph Habecker Jr.
Kylie and Elias Habecker
Bill Hench
Mary Ingle
Jesus, Son of God
Emerson Rose Kolos-Krout
Henry John Kolos-Krout
Pat and Irene LaRose
Our Children and Grandchildren (Lay family)
The Mark Family
Sandy Markley
Maxwell Murray
Owen Murray
Quinn Murray
Linda Norman
Alex Parkhurst
Paul Razzouk
Phyllis Rider
CPT Samuel C. Rob
1LT Jacob T. Rob
Shelly A. Robinson
Charlotte Rutkowski
Ethan Rutkowski
Jackson Rutkowski
Arlene Sauerwine
Carl and Nancy Skelly
Stoltz Children and Grandchildren
Tarantino Family
Colin Toto
Jeffrey Tuckey
Chewy Tullo
Grams Tullo
Martin Weber
Clyde and Kathy Weidner
Fred and Amy Weidner and girls Madalynn, Hannah and Abigail
Aurora Zary
Christopher Zary
Tristan Zary